Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blog Post for Jan. 11th: EcoSonnet

We've been taking in a lot of films and now it's time to shift modes of EcoMediation.

Step One: Sit somewhere outside, on campus or off, where you can observe the wind turbine as it spins. Sit there at least 15 minutes doing nothing but letting your sense tune into your surroundings near and far and in between. Enjoy yourself.

Step Two: Write a Shakespearean sonnet based on your experience. 14 lines. abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhyme scheme so that the poem is structurally segmented in to 3 sections of 4 lines connected to each other and a final couplet that gives an answer or a clever spin to what the previous 3 sections do and say. Your diction may be that of our own day. And do not over-worry using iambic pentameter. You must include some reference to the wind turbine somewhere within the poem.

Step Three: Post your sonnet on your blog before 10am tomorrow.

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