Monday, January 9, 2012

Digital Media Group Project, Due January 25th

EcoMedia Group Project Exam: Due January 25th in class

This project is comprised of three parts: (1) the EcoMedia production, (2) the group presentation, and (3) the individual written reflections.

1. In your groups of four, you will create an EcoMedia project and post it online to share with the class and perhaps the entire Internet. You may choose to make a documentary or fictional project, and you might use animation, computer graphics/effects, live acting, or other modes of representation you want to use. As my colleague, Eric Holthaus, mentioned, this is an opportunity to do a project based on Luther sustainability and life, but you are under no obligation to do that type of project. This is your chance to stretch out your imaginations, creativity, and skills with making a film. Please note that you have access to check out flip cameras at Preus Library and people there may be able to assist you in some technical skills to work with your video as well.

The project should run from 4 to 8 minutes long.

Your group should make very intentional decisions about every aspect of the project. In particular, the project will be evaluated upon its use of 3 primary features: Narrative (Does it have a compelling story?), Visuals (What sorts of shots does it include and to what effects?), and Editing (Why and how does the project make the transitions it does from scene to scene and idea to idea?). We are working with a short time frame and I know you may not be professional filmmakers, so don’t worry about making a perfect project. The key is to have solid ideas behind what you try to execute in the project itself. In the group presentation and your reflection paper, you’ll have the chance to communicate these ideas.

2. Each group will give an approximately 15-minute presentation on the project. Each participant needs to contribute equally to this. You should present to us what you have done, how you did it, and especially why you made the choices you did. Please also tell us how these decisions of form, narration, genre, etc. situate your project in relation to the other EcoMedia texts we watched and worked with this J-Term.

3. Each participant will write a formal 2-page double-spaced reflection paper on the project. The focus should be the same as the presentation: what choices did you make and why. This is where you get to articulate individually your understanding of and contributions to the project.

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